Little Lambs Montessori Preschool
About Us

Little Lambs Montessori LLC
Welcome to Little Lambs Montessori LLC. We are grateful that you entrusted us with the young education of your loved ones. Little Lambs Montessori LLC adheres to the standards of Montessori education. Montessori education is geared towards child’s independence, freedom within limits, and respect for the child’s inner urge to learn and develop their own capabilities from their environment.
Little Lambs Montessori LLC started in 2004 as a family daycare. It has since evolved from just a daycare to what is now the Little Lambs Montessori LLC. Meriam’s love for the children in Little Lambs and emotional attachment with the children leads her to pursue and explore the Montessori Education for the young minds in Little Lambs Montessori LLC. Meriam’s desire to contribute to the child’s well being, emotionally, intellectually and culturally enabled her to persevere in obtaining her Montessori credential.
The school is owned and administered by Meriam Kho. Meriam was an Optometrist in the Philippines and worked here in the United States as an Optical Manager in one of the largest optical companies in the country. She obtained her degree at Centro Escolar University in the Philippines. She obtained her Montessori credentials at the American Montessori Society Teacher Education program in early childhood education from the San Francisco Bay Area Montessori Teacher Education Center. Little Lambs Montessori changed business structure from sole proprietorship to LLC in June 2017 with the new name now as Little Lambs Montessori LLC.
At Little Lambs Montessori LLC we believe that when the human spirit is free there is unlimited potential for learning. The prepared environment will help children to develop social and academic skills that will be most applicable in life and within the community. As teachers we guide young minds towards discovering independence and creativity.
Little Lambs Montessori LLC is dedicated to raising and educating young minds to build confidence, creativity, curiosity, competence, self-esteem and respect for others. We do this by fostering a challenging, nurturing, understanding and loving environment inside and outside of the classroom.
We are receptive to every child’s needs and use a carefully prepared environment that will exercise their curious minds. Overall, we aim to help children achieve their utmost potential as students and individuals within society.
Montessori Classroom
A Montessori classroom must have these basic characteristics at all levels:
Teachers educated in the Montessori Philosophy and methodology appropriate to the age level they are teaching, who have the ability and dedication to put the key concepts into practice.
A partnership with the family. The family is considered an integral part of the individual’s total development.
A multi-aged, multi-graded, heterogeneous group of students.
A diverse set of Montessori materials, activities, and experiences, which are designed to foster physical, intellectual, creative and social independence.
A schedule that allows large blocks of uninterrupted time to problem solve, to see the interdisciplinary connections of knowledge, and to create new ideas.
A classroom atmosphere that encourages social interaction for cooperative learning, peer teaching and emotional development.
Montessori Teacher Education
A Montessori teacher is educated in these areas:
Human growth and development
Observational skills to match student’s developmental needs with materials activities and activities. This allows the teacher to guide students in creating their individual learning plan.
An open-ended array of suggested learning materials and activities that empower teachers to design their own developmentally responsive, culturally relevant learning environment.
Teaching strategies that support and facilitate the unique and total growth of each individual.
Classroom leadership skills that foster a nurturing environment that is physically and psychologically supportive of learning.
About our Montessori Teacher
The Montessori teacher functions as a facilitator of learning. He/she is the designer of the environment, resource person, guide, role model demonstrator, a keen observer and recorder of each student’s behavior and growth. We are dedicated to instilling love of learning in our students coupled with our extremely loving, caring and nurturing attitude and environment.
The Montessori system of education is based on four focuses.
1. The absorbent mind – birth to age 6 children use their senses to absorb large amounts of information about the environment.
2. The sensitive period – children are driven by their attentions and energy to develop a certain skill.
3. Prepared environment – a carefully designed and arranged by the teacher where learning can happen.
4. Control of error – many Montessori materials have built in self correction.
Admission Policies
Registration forms are required yearly if you want your child to continue with Little Lambs Montessori LLC. Non refundable registration fee of $200 are required for every registration form submitted.
Once your child is admitted, you will receive the following forms and some of them need to be completed, signed and submitted before the school starts. Tuition Agreement, Consent for Medical Treatment, Parent’s Report, Personal Rights, Identification and Emergency Information, Parent’s Rights, Physician’s Report.
Little Lambs Montessori LLC accepts children without any regard to race, color, national origin, sex, religion or disabilities.